
The National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century is an organization of women, eighteen years of age or over, who are lineal descendants of an ancestor who lived and served prior to 1701 in one of the Original Colonies in the geographical area of the present United States of America. Our members are devoted to preserving the memory of those that settled in the United States of America prior to 1701.

Established on July 15, 1915, the National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century is a non-profit organization with its headquarters located in Washington D.C. Constructed in 1884, the headquarters building holds historical significance and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

To uphold and continue the values and ideals of our ancestors, our work is dedicated to the preservation of historic sites and records, promotion of heraldry and coats of arms, and support of charitable projects and education. Through these and many other activities, we acknowledge and honor those individuals whose enduring legacy of virtue, courage and patriotism formed this great nation.

The South Carolina Society was organized in 1955 and currently has 19 Chapters with approximately 700 members around the state. Our members are ladies whose documented ancestors provided service to our nation prior to 1701 and who were the founders of our great Republic.

Membership information is available on our national website found in our Contact Us & Links section.