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January 22, 2016 Meeting
The Chapter's first meeting of the year was held in January at the Beaufort Arsenal Museum, a brick and tabby
arsenal constructed in 1799. Hostess Barbee Moore arranged for the meeting site and Margaret Fyfe and Ann
Kresovich provided refreshments. Founder Leola Fanning was presented with a certificate recognizing her 60
plus years as a member of CDXVIIC, Harriet Bosiack was inducted as a new member. Following the meeting
we toured the museum which offers insight into the rich history of the Lowcountry. Historic artifacts on display
represent Native American settlements, the earliest 16th-century Spanish settlement, Union occupation during
the Civil War and 20th-century phosphate mining, truck farming, and the fish, shrimp and oyster industries. In
addition, we viewed the current exhibit, titled "A Place Called Home," which portrayed the historic sea islands
as they were over a hundred years ago and through much of the early to mid-20th Century. Many of our members
enjoyed seeing photographs of the Beaufort of their youth.
SC State Conference, February 20 & 22, 2016
The State Conference was held in Columbia with our chapter represented
by Leola Fanning. The Dr. Henry Woodward chapter was awarded the
following achievement certificates:
South Carolina VA Hospitals
Largest State Donations
Largest National Donations
Pocahontas Scholarship
General Scholarship Fund
South Carolina Room
Pocahontas Gardens & Projects
National Library Fund
Colonial Heritage Proclamations
Headquarters Maintenance Fund
SC State Society Library at Camden Archives |
Chapter founder Leola Fanning was honored at a special tea to acknowledge her 60 plus years of CDXVIIC membership. |
March 17, 2016 Meeting
In March our chapter hosted State President Mary Armstrong at a well attended luncheon meeting at The Tavern
in Royal Pines, located on nearby Lady's Island. Leola Fanning, member for 60 years, introduced our speaker
who spoke on the use of increased technology to improve our organization. We were informed State by-laws
and standing rules have been reduced. She also stated that SCCDXVIIC will donate $1,000.00 toward each historical
marker the chapter puts up. State President Mary Armstrong was presented with a check for the Mincy
Copeland Scholarship fund as well as a small personal gift.
Heritage Society of Beaufort Annual Luncheon
April 28, 2016
New member Harriett Bosiack, on left, with Chapter Historian Anita Henson. |
The Annual Spring Luncheon of the Heritage Society of
Beaufort was held Thursday, April 28 at The Tavern at Lady's Island
Country Club. The speaker was Jack Jackson from Walterboro, who
portrayed Lowcountry hero Colonel Isaac Hayne (1745 – 1781).
Hayne was the most prominent American to be executed by the
British during the American War of Independence. Hayne was a
captain of artillery, and at the same time South Carolina state senator.
Following the luncheon, a drawing was held for the 3-day, 2
night trip to the historic Jekyll Island Club on Jekyll Island, Georgia. |
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Santa Elena History Museum May 19, 2016 Meeting
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Our May 2016 meeting was held at the newly created Santa Elena History Museum, operated by the Santa Elena Foundation. The Museum is housed in Beaufort in the former Federal Court house building, erected in 1883.
The mission of the Santa Elena Foundation is to discover, preserve, and promote Santa Elena, a 16th century settlement and colonial capital established on present day Parris Island. Santa Elena was the European capital city of all Spanish claimed lands from Newfoundland to the Rio Grande known as La Florida. The children born in Santa Elena would have been forty-years old when Pocahontas met John Smith at Jamestown.
Our gracious hostesses, Debbie Parker and Doadie Parker arranged delicious refreshments and the tour of the exhibits.
Following our official Chapter meeting, Museum Director Dr. Andy Beal gave a brief overview of the project and we watched a short film.
We then had the opportunity to independently view the exhibits in the former courtroom. We were also permitted to look at the former judge's chambers which is now a branch library of The Heritage Library , staffed by experienced genealogy researchers.
The $10 per person museum admission fee was paid for each member, using funds given to our chapter by the Heritage Society Of Beaufort .
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